Blitzkrieged The eLance Proposal And The Swish Pattern (100^+)

I love blitzkrieging eLance as well as other shit that scares me. It’s really the only way to overcome your fears… the ONLY WAY. Also, if you’re interested in swish techniques and eLance proposals, this should interest you…

Because there’ll be a number of things you should know, like:

  • I’ve completed today’s challenge–eLance proposal submission + 7 swish patterns… Feel good knowing that your fellow brother kicked ass today in a very short period of time
  • The best eLance practice I’ve found… Maximize your profits and minimize your time leakage with this one simple source of eLance business…
  • The scariest shit I’ve yet to do… Get a taste of what’s to come on this blog (Going to 4th Coast)
  • The most absurd, most powerful habit change in the world… It’s all in your head (Swish Pattern after every workout)
  • How I’ve managed to workout for an hour a day 90% of the days for the past 180 days… Get rid of belly fat, develop an attractive posture, and kill the pussy with this one unique ritual that works better than any other I’ve found–and I’ve been running for the past four years (Powerful music and Tony’s Hour of Power audio)
  • The one personal development program you should listen to before doing anything else… This’ll save you 80% of your time with programs that just don’t work (Personal Power II by Anthony Robbins)

Believe Me, This’ll Save You A Hundred Hours Of Wasted Personal Development Time

Each of these have been applied by me (or will be applied by me soon). The firs thing I propose you do so that you can save yourself massive amounts of time (100’s of hours… literally speaking), I suggest you search the database for Tony’s Hour of Power workout audios, download it to your eyePod, and then lace up your shoes and put on your shorts (or vice versa) and step out for your first of Hour of Power.’

Forever Fat And Ugly? Or Forever Overwhelmingly Grateful And Joyous?

If you don’t do it, you’ll forever be fat and ugly–if only on the inside. If you do do it, you’ll find yourself in a wealth of overwhelming gratitude and joy for how much you can do in this world… So do it now!

Aaron D. Bell


I’ve Made A Mistake… eLance Continues (99^)

This blog’s about control. Or, more specifically, every single thing I’ve done on this blog has been to prevent other things from controlling me. Which is why I’ve deemed it unacceptable to make this many mistakes.

It’s not right to make mistakes for this long. I’ve committed to maximum growth and evolution so that I could control my life all this time, but it’s a terrible waste that I haven’t done what I needed to do all this time. For example.

  • To maximally control myself, I needed Setting commitments on… EVERY DAY before 8:00 AM. Haven’t been doing that.
  • To maintain positive control over my reputation (vs. the specific elements and jobs I need to do within my reputation), I needed to work on James marketing letter for at least four hours longer than I did.
  • To maintain maximum control over my physical world, I needed to do the hour of power for the past two days. Haven’t done that.
  • To destroy the grip of social fear over my body, I needed to go door to door every single day for the past fifty days. Haven’t done that.
  • To control and maximize my instinctive reactions to the most common stimuli in my environment, I needed to the NLP swish pattern for at least the past thirty days… This one’s a big one that I missed that could’ve provided me with an outstanding leap ahead of most of the people in this world, in terms of progress.
  • To gain the ultimate respect and to prevent the fear of the world following me in a negative light from controlling me, I needed to contact one star mentor a day for the past three years. Haven’t done that.

So, to prevent more things from controlling me, I’m really going to go balls-to-the-wall here regarding our evolution on this blog (or my evolution, if you choose not to partake in this journey with me). I’m going to ask myself why I am doing this easy thing vs. some other hard thing. If the answer is “Because I am afraid,” then I must do that thing.

Specifically to start recovering from the mistakes such as those above, I’m going to prevent financial creditors from controlling me. To do this, I’m going to continue my past commitment with eLance by going through at least 20 different proposals to find some outstanding job opportunities to work for in the field of copywriting. It’s an outstanding opportunity if there are fewer than 20 proposals submitted for the job, if the budget’s over $1,000, not hourly, and requires copywriting experience.

In order to maximize my success for today, I’ll go for a workout with my new GPX mp3 player for an hour of power today at 8:00 AM, return, shower, eat, meditate, and swish pattern by 10:30 AM. With this base of good health practice, I’ll then have the energy to look through twenty different proposals on eLance, pulling any projects with the above parameters to my “Watch” list by 11:30 AM. Even if they’re not directly in my current skillset, I’ll still pull them out… because that’s probably where I’ll need to develop my expertise in the long run anyway. Then, between 11:30 AM and 12:30 AM I’ll research the top prospect on that list (including his feedback, his proposal, and any relevant information of his) to then send him a video that’s directly relevant to him.

And it will be glorious.

Thanks for listening, friend! You’re an amazing person.

Aaron D. Bell

1 High-Quality Proposal… Every Day… On eLance (98^)

Bollycock for eLance proposing.

When it comes to actually submitting proposals now… I feel kind of inferior.

After doing my first project with CityMove, I’ve come to the conclusion that real copywriting’s scary and needs a lot more attention and devotion to detail than I thought.

Which is why I must do more of it.

So, the challenge today (and for the next thirty days) is to devote my time and money toward submitting one super high quality proposal every day for thirty days. This will become a high-quality habit that I intend to continue for the rest of my life until I get a business that freaking sells PRODUCTS as opposed to services in the long run.

I’ll have a high-quality proposal (with a video included) by 6:30 AM today. Got it?

I’m gonna run up to Meijers and get a bunch of water, lettuce, and chocolate milk for the next hour, and I’ll submit proposals during the following two hours in a 60-60-30 format.

Talk soon.
Aaron D. Bell

Back to Daily Posts

As a result of daily posts, I’ve:

  • Worked out for an hour and fifteen minutes every day for the past 90 days
  • Done some masculinity-inducing exercises that was no longer a habit
  • Worked a first job that others drooled over
  • Approached 175 women in 7 (8?) days
  • Contacted a man I admire more than anything for two hours of coaching
  • Learned more about my limits in life and my ability to make other people’s lives better
  • Recognized my dark side… some of which may or may not include homosexuality (ahem, I’m probably bisexual)
  • Gone to jail… (Learned more about myself there than just about anything else)
  • Learned that we literally control other people… BY ASSIGNING THEM AN IDENTITY IN OUR MIND–this one’s needs at least five hours of contemplation and meditation before the mind can understand this to the degree by which I’m talking about
  • Lived on my own
  • Systematically pushed the limit more and more each day

I was a goddamned idiot for making these non-daily. Maybe I just need to post in advance when I need a break from these, but it’s extremely useful to start writing posts based on fact and not based on lessons I think people should learn.

(Hold on. Allow me to pause the post here to propose a context for reading this.

I write every line here to drive in the point of “Why bloggers must report ‘I’ve done X, and then caused Y’ posts and NOT ‘7 Theories On Achieving Y’.” Please just understand that I scold myself here for (accidentally) misinforming you, my most valued reader. I’ve given you reports recently on shit that doesn’t matter. By giving you reports on “What I’ve learned from other programs” instead of giving you reports based on experiment-derived information.

So, with that framework, let’s roll! Let’s our dance of words, our plot of my words and your contemplation, begin!

Twerk it!)

So… why go back to what I hate? I HATE reading posts on the lessons that people learned… I want to read the posts where PEOPLE ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING. I want to vomit anytime I see the “Here’s what you should to get more blog followers post.” They’re not doing any of the shit that they preach… and it’s plain as day if you’ll just look at the style of writing.

Where are the specific details on the swirling, particolored abyss of human emotion that’s locked away and indescribable to the human psyche until major trauma and discomfort has been experienced? No matter how hard they try (though, to be fair, they’re not trying to express how hard it was for them to do it), they just simply don’t know what REALLY is involved.

They don’t know the REAL PAIN that’s involved… and REAL PAIN, the pain that you experience by ACTUALLY DOING IT is what you must endure to complete almost any task worth completing. For example, would you consider that knocking on doors to develop your sales confidence or contacting Morgan Freeman or going to a MeetUp group to meet with like-minded people would be an excellent thing to have in your repertoire of experiences?  Almost certainly (though some people might disagree with the knocking on doors part).  But if Joe Doe or Sally Sundry comes along giving me a five-step system for contacting Morgan Freeman or knocking on doors and she hasn’t done it… she’s not going to give me THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION SHE CAN POSSIBLY GIVE ME: THE AWARENESS OF THE PAIN INVOLVED AND HOW TO SHORT-CIRCUIT IT.

In fact, this is so important, it should be a goddamned study in and of itself. There needs to be an infinite repertoire of tools to overcome that fricken’ adrenaline rush of cortisol-laced disease called (prolonged) discomfort. In the interim, until I write more about this, here’s what I have going: Everything that Tony Robbins teaches in his seminars.

Seriously, Tony Robbins has just about everything necessary to doing shit that we don’t want to do. When I first started drafting this post, I had intended on giving a list of all the things I’ve done, but it went something like this:

  • Start each day runni–Oh wait, that’s Tony’s “Change your physiology”… Hmm, how about
  • Medita–Nope, that involves changing breathing and focus, which clearly are part of Tony’s materials… Hmmm, what about the question of
  • “What would happen if I didn’t do th–” Oh, still changing focus here… Hmmm


Anyway, the point of this post is just to explain why I’m getting back into things.

From now on, you’ll see my daily challenge to myself when I wake up (whenever that is) and a daily finale. There’ll be no weekly shit, because that clearly does not work… for anyone, much less me. If we’re doing something daily, then my Unconscious simply says “Fuck it.”

Lez go!

Today’s challenge, by the way, is to: Take notes on Tested Advertising Methods for four hours and and then write copy for my copywriting business for two hours today. I complete this in the format of 60-60-30’s that I must record and prepare for by asking “What db is my ultimate vision for these fifty minutes of work?” This must all be completed by 7:00 A.M. because I’m to visit Craig VanDyke at

Furthermore, I must totally “Quit my parents.” Right now, I currently live with my parents in the basement with $1,800 in credit card debt. My parents currently can come down at any point that they like and set off certain negative emotional triggers (much like with how my father triggered certain anxieties and tensions when he entered my room with my mother). I currently have immerse myself in the worlds of PewDiePie and Cryaotic and the games they play so that I can escape this fact.

Need to stop doing this… I officially have quit my parents. I decide now that it’s enough and I forever dedicate myself to the pursuits of Richard Branson, Joe Polish, Eben Pagan, Neil Strauss, Timothy Ferriss, Bill Gates… Everything second of my life must happen within the worlds of these people.

Then, finally, today’s the last chance to pay off my American Express card without penalty… I don’t have the money yet. I must contact American Express today and let them know I’m in touch.

Yeah… if only I would’ve kept on writing these blog posts & pushed myself further and further with each post…

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m not really going to do anything fancy with these posts… I’m really going to focus on the content of the posts from now on. I’m not going to devote a lot of willpower to fancying it up. Hopefully the intention will shine through the shitty formatting… because I know that things need to look really nice nowadays.

I’ll talk to you at at 11:00 PM on the mark tomorrow (i.e. 12 hours from now!)


Aaron Bell

The Answer to How To Sell Pop Rocks–Inside

Happy Saturday from the Midwest, U.S.!

Good friend, there’s something you should know. I’m on a quest to find something worthy for this blog. The “thing” needs to stretch my limits and create a new bar for me to achieve emotionally. Perhaps I may need a mentor to help me out here, but I think I might be able to solve this challenge on my own. But what the fuck can I do here? Vitaly goes around saying “Brah. Braah. Do you even lift?Other people touch a thousand Russian breasts. Some horny howitzers sarge the local bars and clubs and spit robot game (i.e. Mystery Method game). Other people call tough medical sales accounts every day . All-in-all, it just seems that some people have more balls than I do–I’ve been slacking lately!

Time to change that.

People want the most for themselves with the least effort possible. I know that my brain searches for the easiest way to do something at any given moment, so what stops someone else from doing the same? Needless to say, a StickK that says…

  • “You will contact 10 people by phone about copywriting services” or
  • “You will talk with 30 women today” or
  • “You will submit 40 proposals on eLance today” or
  • “You will go knock on 20 people’s doors with at least 2 cars in the driveway to ask them about what their greatest fears or frustrations are”…

…Any StickK like these can only develop the quality of a person’s life… and the size of his or her balls.

I can see how committing to doing something like 2 hours of keyword research would be a totally action toward achieving ANY of my top 3 specific goals (and top 3 objectives for these goals). Yet, I can’t help but believe that all truly uncomfortable things must involve another person. It must involve a physical interaction with another person (i.e. no online interactions). Because it’s only in the physical realm that all three areas must be systematically and completely aligned in order to be congruent with another person (and therefore avoid embarrassment). I.e. The other person must recognize that I’m totally passionate about Pop Rocks candy and know what Pop Rocks candy is made of (as well as show the other person that I’m actually eating the pop rocks as the person talks with me) if I’m to actually sell a certain man or woman a pack of pop rocks.

Everything intellectual and online must escape from my (major) commitments that count toward this blog. Because it’s only through people, anyway, that an entrepreneur’s revenue can increase. So, without further ado, here are are the commitments that I’ve made via I’ve linked each of these except one to its respective StickK web page. If there’s an X, it means I’ve completed it already.

With these commitments made (and some, like the MeetUps, complete) I bid you to take a look at your recent activities. Doing isolated preparation and online marketing is a necessary action, necessary enough to make habit. But, how many of your projects involve actual people? If it’s less than 25%m and especially if it’s less than 10%, then that’s something you should take a look at and act immediately to increase.

See you next week 😉

The Ravin’ Maven
Disciple of The Written Word
Aaron D. Bell

Is The Life of a Child Worth 10 eLance Proposals To You? (87^+)

Everywhere, men are missing this crucial, common-sense wisdom:

After seeing the ad with the headline “IS THE LIFE OF A CHILD WORTH $1 TO YOU?” I immediately associated this to pick up.Does it not make sense that we’re effectively defining the life of our child with the very decisions we make today? Do we not effectively select the women we mate with–through our daily decisions in how to improve our “game”?

Yell at me if I’m wrong, but this is the most powerful motivator for me. Perhaps you don’t get out as much as you should (i.e. never]), but I’m guilty of this, too. I’ve had bills to think about, and it’s been pretty scary to invest the money in the gas to get around.

But, I tell you now… FUCK. THAT. Do you not feel that it’s time to permanently and consistently improve your skill? Is it really not a good idea to stake a commitment where you approach ten women a day for the rest of your goddamned life?

If I sound crude I’m sorry, but this seems like a barrier that’s getting in the way of too many people, including myself at times.

I’m really not into having children of an average upbringing, so I’ll continue to build my finances and ensure that my financial future is freaking solid. But I’m also committed to social prosperity as well.

What are you committed to? I mean, it IS your child who’ll end up either an average-looking boy or girl… or… it’ll be that STUNNING, beautiful, incredible baby daughter that you’ll now have the chance to be the father of!

It’s your decision. Choose wisely.

Well this post (originally intended for MPUA Forum) is pretty interesting, I think. It pretty much sums up my attitudes toward doing what’s right at all times. If we neglect the little things–like taking that first step toward approaching that attractive lady (or even getting out at all), we harm our child’s entire physical form. Same thing goes for things like paying off your credit card or mortgage early instead of putting $6 into that pack of Pepsi.

And, look, I don’t even follow these ideas perfectly myself. All I’m saying is that this is a really important idea to consider.

As for today’s task, I had set a challenge for myself to write down 120 headlines. Not much at face value, but it took me four hours to properly write 38 headlines from David Ogilvy’s book, Ogilvy on Advertising. The ads actually work, which means that it’s hard not to get sucked into reading the actual advertisement.

And for a task in general (i.e. for this month), I’ve made a commitment for $49 on StickK to pay off my debt before August 28th, 2013. It’s really important to me that I maintain an “a Bell always pays off his debts” reputation, because I really want to maintain a relationship of absolute trust and integrity with all who might do a background search on me in the future. So, for this reason, I’ll gladly risk $49 to pay my shit off.

I’ll talk with you tomorrow, friend. I’m going to take a one-week hiatus soon, so enjoy these posts while you can 😉

Talk soon
Aaron D. Bell

(87^) It’s Because I Don’t WANT To Do It That I MUST

Near the Kalamazoo River

I really feel this way. Ever since the day before yesterday, I mean. Because changing your values at the deepest core of your being really does that to you.

The killer report that talks about this is still en route. it’s over 1,800 words long… it’s a monster when you consider that i’m actually editing it. Editing is a fun, comprehensive process that takes a while. So give me a break, eh? 🙂

Anyway, the reason I titled this blog post such is because I really desire to make my social life balance with m y work life–even if it costs me a little bit in terms of debt. Without a social life balancing the work life, my social dullness (i.e. from lack of social sharpening that comes from interacting with people, cold) might shine through in my writing.

We wouldn’t want that, so I’m doing Day 2 of Rules of the Game. 
Rules of the Game, 
it turns out, is something that I’ve already mostly completed. But as with most things, we must use it or lose it, and I’m working on reawakening some of the stuff that’s gone dormant within me via Neil Strauss’s process here, vs. just doing my own thing.

So it goes, I also have a duty to hone my professional skills as a copywriter, so I’ll go out and do the task between 8:45 and 11:00 P.M. This allows me to also put in a task of two 60-60-30’s on the Gary Halbert Copywriting Training that i found and YouTube videos on such topic. Also, Day 2’s a bit easier than normal, but I still haven’t mastered the “observing her eye color part” because I don’t normally pay attention to details like that, so this’ll be fun.

I’ll come back soon with an update on today in addition to the killer report, which I’ll just publish in PDF format due to its length.

Aaron D. Bell


(85^+) Getting Things Done–The Process

Near the Dairy Queen by the Kalamazoo River

Have you ever started doing something that you KNOW was going to take you literally twelve hours to finish? You have? Awesome. Because that sounds kind of like what happened with me today.

I’m really a big fan of Getting Things Done, but I have over a thousand entries (and at least a million words written) that need to be perused and defined for action. I kid you not. And the reasons that’s important is because it means that it general takes me four hours to even type the damn things up! It’s crazy. But I’m not complaining

I’ve already done two 60-60-30’s (look it up) for completing it, and I’m throwing in another two before I sleep tonight.

Just updating you’s all.

Yours truly,
Aaron D. Bell

(84^+) Success! And Downright Failure.

Near the Kalamazoo River

(After post note: Wow. It’s amazing how much more you feel like talking when you feel “observed.” Maybe I could manufacture this “observed” feeling even when no one’s watching. It makes it a whole lot easier to do certain things like writing.)

Well damn. I woke up this morning (afternoon… it was 1:30 PM) in a frenzy, because I was supposed to me my assistants-to-be at a coffee shop in downtown Kalamazoo. Frantically throwing clothes in the air to select the perfect outfit to where, I strike gold. And by gold, I mean a heavily wrinkled, white shirt with varying greens plaiding it.

It might be weird that I love ironing, but I really enjoy the contrast of how ugly the shirt was before ironing with the how beautifully sheen the dress shirt looks when complete cleaned. It’s not painful to do, like when I first started, so I’m proud of how well (and how quickly) I can do it. Needless to say, this was a highlight of my day. Which is pretty depressing.

Anyway, I wrap the shirt around me to then realize i’m not wearing pants. I would probably need to keep the iron on. (Yessss.) After I press my designer pants, I’m ready for the day!

Fast forward eight hours and I’m zoning out at my wall. “I need to run so baaad!” As a result of oversleeping from yesterday’s goal-writing session, I didn’t run my Hour of Power. My day was filled with super jitters, and I can’t keep my mind focused on anything important for more than 2 minutes–which is waaay out of the norm from usual 2.5 minutes. All the positive self talk (hypnosis) and deep breathing patterns in the world got nothin’ on exercise!

Ugh, I had so much debate in my mind on whether to bold and underline that, or to just leave it bold. Oh well. We’ll just have to hope that it sounds like the twelve-year-old gamer inside of me who acts like he’s tough shit when pwns you at Halo 1.

Less importantly than talking about word emphasis on words about activities that compete with exercise, we have a task to launch. Here it goes:

I commit to doing the Hour of Power within 30 minutes of publishing this post (which means when I’ve published it to both WordPress AND followed by two 60-60-30 sessions of copywriting training. The copywriting training entails ALS-ing Victor Schwab’s book How To Write A Good Advertisement which is an AWESOME book that everyone needs to read. Furthermore, this ALS session involves copying headlines I find onto a Quizlet file to peruse on occasion (daily, I hope!). Then, time-permitting, I actually work on my first advertisement in the fashion that Gary proposes in his article called “Hands-On Experience” (a.k.a. “How To Become A Copywriter In Just 30 Days). When the time comes to work on that ad, it shall be glorious!

Before I go, I heard a metaphor the other day about women. Specifically, I had heard it from Eric’s Master Series in a Hypnotalk (hypnosis session). He said how there were volumes and volumes of interesting details with women to read. This is really interesting to me, because now that I’m aware of it, I hear fascinating stories all the time:

  • My brother was mugged on a pizza delivery; he also served in the Navy at Dubai(!)–where people ski indoors and pay people gold to lose weight.
  • One girl I know’s a bastard child who does whatever it takes to get out of her mother’s house; she wants to be an exotic vet.
  • Gary Halbert, one of my heroes at this point, flaunted his great wealth and got robbed at gunpoint as a result. Afterward, when he showed certain g-men (specifically… I don’t remember who) his home, they saw the sun reflect off his pool… and chose to use that as evidence to convict him to federal prison. Fuck his life, right?
  • My mother rose to relative riches from the life of a trailer park girl via the support of my father, who relentlessly persuaded my mother to stick it through college–getting her degree in nursing that she still uses to this day. Now that I think of this history, it’s easy to see why she always yells at us… like trailer park hicks do. That’s where she came from. It’s almost like a female version of Great Expectations, now that I think about it.
    ___She also had two husbands before my father, both divorced; she had four(!) miscarriages before she had me (I had a 10% chance of living); she smoked while I still inside of her; she’s STOPPED smoking. Which, holy shit! I’ve just now realized the sheer transformation of her not doing that. She’s smoked my whole damn life, and now poof. Or rather un-poof, because it’s so powerful for me to contrast that with the image of her rolling down the window in freezing weather on our first trip from North Carolina to my grandparents up here in Michigan. It was so coldThe damn heaters were cranked up full blast and it did nothing.
    ___Unfortunately, she didn’t do it before my brother started smoking. People RARELY smoke after the age of eighteen if they’ve never done it before, so I’m absolutely certain he started doing so to “feel connected to mommy.” As degrading as that may sound, it’s powerful how much people crave mother’s love. (I can imagine him reading this now, saying, “I did not do it to ‘feel connected to mommy,’ you little shit!” Hahahaha I laugh at this because you, Jordan, did make such a sorry, stupid decision for that exact reason!! Admit it! You’re logical as fuck and you did the most illogical thing you can ever do! Except maybe for chopping off your testicals, (or worse, your penis), you wanted to be like mother, if only because you felt she didn’t like you enough for getting discharged from the Navy)

I digress. The point of that last part is to illustrate the power of know the deeper details and stories of the people we see every day. If a person arouses utter mind-numbing, face melting, tear-jerking boredom, then that only means we haven’t experienced the pain that came just before when he became boring in the first place! That person you hate being around is a walking clock that circulates the same boring routines because of a very specific event that happened in his past that caused him a lot of pain.

Think about that. It’s got to be something, I bet, that would sell a million novel without a single drop of sweat required. I’m willing to bet my laptop on that even.

Now I’m curious what your story is haha. I’ve already seen some of the people on this blog today who’ve shared some really powerful wisdom–but I’ve never uncovered more than that they’re a sheriff, a prosthetic artist, an accountant, whatever. Jesus, I’ve been missing out on a lot. I really want to know more about you. It’s so freaking interesting once I learn the specifics!

Really, once I boil everything down to the specifics that I want, it really attracts me to doing exactly what I need to do to make life work. Ever since I’ve focused on the specifics involved with a video, I’ve literally improved the quality of my Marketing Video on A/B testing 500%. When I wrote those specific details about my brother, my mom, my father, that at least multiplied the quality of this post by a factor of five from what it would have been otherwise. It’s beautiful!

So, if you haven’t made your goals specific as fuck, then I highly recommend it. You’ll feel afraid of a being wrong at first (because you don’t want to be able to admit so factually that you fucked up and didn’t get the goal), but once you toughen up and say “Yes! This is how I declare it!” You’ll be five thousand percent better off, because you can see everything that you need to do. You can hear the conversations you’ll have and feel that delicous 1852 PInot Grigio slide down through down your calloused throat past the larynx that just vibrated sound frequencies that equal 25,000 words at a 10 hour seminar that you personally gave with Sir Richard Branson at Necker Island on healing your hemorrhoids with power by thinking visually about your ex-cat Fluffy coming back from the dead as a ghost, apparation,  in the form of roadkill who summons magical neon green “spirit fish” to swim through the ether past the shingles of your house into your attic down through your ceiling and into your bed under the sheets and into your chocolate starfish as you sleep.

Make that goal now, and you’ll be surprised at how hilariously fast you make twenty times more progress (measurably) to your specific vision. This guaranteed progress, by the way, is exactly why you want to make them big.

That’s all for now, amigo who is interested in gaining social validation from women by learning special tactics and theory from The Game to then show off the women he mates with to all his peers, which will then make him cooler in the eyes of his peers 🙂

HAHA just kidding!

Aaron D. Bell

Pretend to be an expert.

(83+) Video Editing Takes TIme

Near the Kalamazoo River

I think it’s a good idea to fuck up the first time, because it gives you the chance to NEVER fuck up again. To illustrate this, we can take my commitment to make a complete video on a topic around Internet Marketing by 6:15 PM or else pay $49 to a friend of mine, Enache.

The PowerPoint video is STILL processing.

I have a guiding policy where I can click accept as long as 80% of the agreement is held. This allows me to remain flexible in the case that something comes up while preserving the integrity of the agreement. Though I could be  hard-ass about this, I simply think that being a 100% perfectionist goes against my character. I’m really a flexible guy.

As the wheel of time rolls, I won’t have a choice but to find out what the consequences of this decision bring me. What’ll probably happen is that some key issue will not be met–but it’ll technically be part of that 20% that I allow to slide by. If I don’t follow through and build the habit of 100% accountability here soon, that’s what’ll probably happen.

I can at least say that it was my choice to make it this way, though.

Aaron D. Bell